Southam Consulting, LLC



"Crucial Conversations was a life changing experience for me. I originally attended the seminar hoping it would help me be a better leader. I quickly realized it is applicable to all facets of my life. To get the true benefit of the training it must be practiced in both the business and personal environments. Kurt Southam was excellent. He is a great listener, has the flexibility to adapt to his audience, and can tailor the material to the style of his audience thus maximizing the impact. I highly recommend Crucial Conversations and Kurt Southam."

J. Scott Cummans
Chief Operating Officer
Sophisticated Systems, Inc.

"Leaders face challenges in meeting the demands of many diverse and vocal constituencies. Those rare leaders who are able to surface and resolve controversial issues gain the respect and support of all those they come in contact with. The distinctions learned during the Crucial Conversations training help executives get positive results. The techniques learned will help executives create a safe environment; keep the conversation issue-oriented, and achieve a win/win solution. These are the skills that distinguish the great leaders from the good leaders. Because of his track record and experience, executives trust Kurt Southam to help them and their teams manage crucial conversations that impact results."

James R. Castle
President and CEO
Ohio Hospital Association

"I whole-heartedly recommend Kurt Southams guidance thru VitalSmarts skill for mastering Crucial Conversations. Kurt was able; in a non-threaten manner to present material that forced us trainees to evaluate where we could have and can improve dialogue. Kurt guided us thru a large collection of knowledge, kept our interest thru participation and real life examples, and maintained the predetermined focus and timeframe. I appreciated his professionalism, I respect his work experiences, and I believe my time with him will prove to be worth every dollar."

Sean Driscoll PHR
Director of Human Resources
Physicians Professional Management Corporation

"Most physicians and hospital personnel are usually able to be cordial and pleasant when discussing non-controversial issues. However, when it comes to addressing important issues, it can be a very different story. Too many of those same professionals avoid discussing vital issues all together or they resort to aggression to get their way. The skills I learned in the Crucial Conversations training have helped me work with physicians and hospital leadership to bring to the surface and resolve difficult issues more effectively through dialogue. These valuable interpersonal skills help one to be more forthright and respectful rather than side-stepping important matters. In our profession this can sometimes mean the difference between life and death. The skills I learned in the Crucial Conversations training have helped me address very difficult issues with my peer physicians, hospital leadership and others. This training is a must for health care professionals."

Curtis C. Chastain, MD, FACP
Lake Primary Care Physicians Network

"The recent Crucial Conversation seminar I attended couldn't have been offered at a better time. The day after completing your seminar, I was scheduled to give a deposition regarding a pending legal matter concerning some restoration my company completed. Prior to completing the seminar I was loaded for "BEAR" going into that deposition, however your seminar taught me a different approach. I am sure my attorney felt relieved, when the deposition was over…I hadn't gone "BEAR HUNTING" but actually keep an open dialogue, THANKS TO CRUCIAL CONVERSATIONS!!!"

Craig Young

"Someone once said there is really very little difference between people---but that little difference makes a great deal of difference. We have found "that difference" to be how we handle crucial conversations. Applying the tools of crucial conversations is simply the fundamental difference that allows every other strategy, structure, or system in our organization to function at a superior level."

Stacy Nelson, Ed. D.
Manager of Organizational Development
Florida Hospital, Celebration Health

"Having completed the Path of Dialogue (Crucial Conversations) Training myself and enjoying seeing the benefits to the organization because of the opportunity our entire management team had, I can say without hesitation that our organization is better positioned for success."

Thomas L. Sieber
President and CEO
Genesis Health Care System

" I have had the privilege to be a part of training sessions put on by Kurt Southam several times in the past year. Each training session provides me with information I can use to my personal and professional benefit.

Most recently, I attended four sessions on Crucial Conversations and one session to become certified as a trainer. Kurt's style of teaching best exemplifies the skills required to provide effective adult education.

I believe Kurt to be one of the best presenters I have had the pleasure to hear. He can deliver information in such a way that learning takes place with seemingly no effort. He also provides methods whereby you have the opportunity to practice the new information.

I have attended many seminars where I came away with little to no knowledge of how to make the new information useful. That has never happened when Kurt was doing the teaching.

I highly recommend anyone to use Kurt Southam for any training sessions he provides."

James R. Hayes MBA
Regional Executive
Ambulatory Management Services Inc.

"I recently attended the Crucial Conversations program with Kurt Southam. After ten years of facilitating leadership development programs, I have to say that this experience was a series of a-ha moments! This program directly impacts the very core of who we are and how we develop and maintain all the relationships in our lives. I walked away with a renewed and more confident perspective on some of the crucial conversations I have recently avoided or become derailed. Kurt's combination of wisdom and flexible facilitation style was extremely effective with the diversity of the participants in our session. Overall, I was struck with the universal impact this program could have on our communities, both family and business-and not only for adults! It develops crucial life skills that our children need to truly be successful in today's world."

Gina Cucculelli

“I wanted to write this brief letter to thank you for bringing the skills in mastering crucial conversations to the Ohio Hospital Association.

It is my belief that not only will OHA benefit from these skills, but also as we develop programs to continue to make Ohio “The Best Place to work in Healthcare”, this will be a crucial part of our offerings. As we’ve discussed, the concept of 100% candid and 100% respectful conversations inside a Hospital will make it not only a better place to work, but also a much better experience for the customers that our members serve.

Personally, I have been using the skills from your workshop both in my professional and personal life and have already seen the difference it makes in my productivity and relationships. It is difficult to measure the benefits from programs such as this until you start to see the effects of being “Dialogue Smart” can have on your co-workers and customers.

Again, I look forward to working with you further as we begin to role this out to our member Hospitals.”

Dan Paoletti
The Ohio Hospital Association

"Crucial Conversations training helped me to identify and understand how the pieces and
parts of successful, crucial conversations fit together. Thanks to Kurt Southam's dynamic
presentation skills coupled with the realness of the material, I was immediately able to apply the principles of the training to effectively address and resolve tough issues in the office and at home."

Jenny J. Fuerst
Fahlgren Mortine

“I consider the Crucial Conversations training of high importance in honing the communications skills of top level staff in our district. So often we are placed in the position of mediating warring factions, delivering tough performance messages, and working with community demands. The better we are at handling these situations, understanding the message behind the message, respecting others and their viewpoints, the better we will be able to establish a culture of mutual respect and focus on what is important to the organization.

An added bonus to the training is that I believe I have elevated the quality and tone of conversations in my own personal life. At least I now can recognize when I am being a total jerk, step back, and take corrective action.

I am in the process of training my cabinet. If that goes as I hope it does, we will try to take it to scale with all administrators. Crucial Conversations will be crucial to a needed shift in culture in my organization.”

Scott Spears
Springfield City Schools

The following references or testimonials are from clients who wanted to share their view on the value of crucial conversations, but due to the personal or sensitive nature of the issues we were dealing with, preferred to remain anonymous.

“When we first started working together over a year ago the pressures and demands were so intense that I had trouble sleeping. With your coaching, I have been able to see things a different way and identify a methodical and practical approach to addressing key business issues. I am far more productive and can get much more done in less time. I clearly have more balance in my personal life. Oh, and I am sleeping much better!”

“In our executive meetings with the CEO we tend to smile and agree a lot, and then while walking down the hallway from the meeting we express our true feelings about the decisions, or our misgivings. We go to silence and yet all are highly qualified professionals…at least I used to think so until I learned about Crucial Conversations. This is exactly what we need to change our culture and get more candor in our conversations around important issues. We have too many “parking lot vetos!”
(Vice President Fortune 30 company)

“Much of what you taught me, I have shared with one key board member who is also the CEO of a major corporation. As I described each situation we encountered and how you coached me through some very tough issues, this board member (a well respected executive) commented that much of what you recommended to me was exactly the right course of action. In fact some of your counsel provided new insights to him on more effective ways to get better results.”

“We have been guilty of the “program of the month” mentality. We have spent enormous resources on programs like six sigma, various leadership training programs, etc. and yet we have not seen any significant changes or improvements. Crucial Conversations answers the very issues we struggle with. This is not about communications, but results. This will take us to where we want (and need) to be!”
(CEO of large multi-facility health care system)

“When our two organizations merged four years ago, we worked with top drawer consultants every step of the way. We have been disappointed in the results of our efforts. The fundamental problems starring us right in the face as that people and departments would not talk to each other about important issues. Oh sure, they would smile and appear polite or professional, but remain silent on what they were really thinking, and thus kept us fragmented even though on paper we looked like one organization. What we have learned with Crucial Conversations finally helped us deal with these issues head on. This training has done more for our executive team, and our organization than anything we did during the first few years after our merger.”
(COO of Hospital System)

“My partner is a gifted and talented person who brings so much to our organization, yet used to drive me nuts regarding a focused strategy, or how to approach other initiatives. After the Crucial Conversations training, and your follow-up coaching, we have made so much progress on vital issues. I used to dread meetings with my partner, and the executive team because of the friction, but now I actually look forward to meeting with him and the team. We truly enjoy addressing important issues together with a mutual purpose. There is a clear sense of enthusiasm for where we are going, and how to get there as a team, not just a bunch of individuals each pursuing his or her own goals.”

“I knew I could call you at any time and get excellent advice on very difficult issues. Somehow you were able to size up the situation and provide very specific and practical insights on how best to address the concern. I get comments from my colleagues on how effective I am as a leader. One key person asked me how I was able to do this, and I told him it was my coach…Kurt Southam.”

The following are comments from participants who have attended public Crucial Conversation workshops by Southam Consulting.

“This information is VITAL! Involving the rest of our employees is a must! This training will be instrumental to our success!”

“This was really helpful!”

“Kurt was an excellent facilitator! This will help us move from good to great!”


“I have always perceived myself as a pretty good communicator, but did learn that there are things I do wrong, things I can do better to get better results. AWESOME! Thank you!”

“Kurt Southam is an excellent presenter. Down to earth and humorous. He kept things moving.”

“This has opened my eyes to things I wish I would have known years ago.”

“I went through this training almost three years ago, I found it so valuable; I went through it again one year later. I have been promoted three times since the first time I went through the training and I want to go through it again to get even better. This has propelled my career more than anything I have learned.” (This person has 1200 managers who work under his direction)

“I thought I was going to learn a lot about leadership, and I did, but this training goes way beyond that. I see value for every aspect of my professional life and family life.”

“This is all about results! These skills are so powerful!”

“This training will help us be well positioned for the future, more than any other initiative we have engaged in.” (CEO addressing his executive team who also attended the training.)

“How soon can you schedule time to conduct this in-house for the rest of our employees?”

“I have participated in many training certification program over the past 20 years. After seeing the depth of Crucial Conversations and the impact it has on tangible results, I have to conclude the rest just did not measure up or even come close.”

“If only I had known these things 20 years ago! I am sure it would have propelled my in my career even more!” (Owner of a company)

Southam Consulting & Vital Smarts

Southam Consulting has partnered with Vital Smarts to provide the following tools and resources to get you headed in the right direction.

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� Southam Consulting, LLC, 2004