Handbook: "Please
Don�t Feed the Hog"
How the World�s Best Leader�s Solve Tough People Problems
This handbook teaches
the foundational skills of performance management. It has 66 pages
and covers the following topics:
1. What the HOG is
and why it is important
2. How to prepare
for a tough discussion
3. How to diagnose root causes of problems
4. How to begin tough performance discussions
5. How to motivate the unmotivated
6. How to enable people with ability problems
7. How to deal with strong emotion
8. How to move from understanding to action
handbook outlines the critical behaviors necessary to obtain peak
performance in an organization. See how the world�s best leaders
and performers get results by holding others accountable while still
maintaining respect.
To download your complimentary
copy of this revolutionary tool, please complete this simple registration
form. (We will not share this information with third parties.)