Southam Consulting Philosophy
Consulting provides a range of training and development services
to help you substantively change and improve your organization.
By leveraging your discretionary effort, we can help you find the
right balance between the
power to make changes and improvements and the knowledge
required to make those changes a reality. Our "functional
logo" (on the right) illustrates this dynamic. Contact
us to find out how we can help.
Consulting & Vital Smarts
a partnership with VitalSmarts,
Southam Consulting is able to provide its clients with world-class
evaluation and training materials.
To help you evaluate
the effectiveness of these materials, the resources on this page
are provided as a free service. Our hope is that they will get you
moving in the right direction and lead you to ask hard questions
about yourself and your organization. We stand ready to help you
more clearly articulate and answer these questions through our executive
consulting and coaching services.
Executive Team Development
During the
past 20+ years we have worked with many executive teams from several
industries. Our experience and research results with executive
teams can be illustrated by the following model . . . READ
& Workshops