Southam Consulting offers
specialized, customized training and support for entrepreneurs.
If you are an enterpreneur, we can help you tackle the unique challenges,
pressures and stresses faced by risk-takers.
Stress Test
Are you an entrepreneur?
Are you stressed? Take this quiz to find out.
- I am impatient with
others at least several times a week.
- I worry about the
sustainability of my company's revenue streams.
- I have business debt
that is more than 20% of my annual revenues.
- My spouse (or employees)
just don't get how big a job this is.
- Given the effort I'm
putting in, my net income is nowhere near high enough.
- If I wasn't here,
the place would fall apart within a month.
- I can't seem to attract
- or keep - the right staff.
- I'm doing tasks that
I do not like or am not very good at.
- I am working more
than 10 hours a day.
- I am running faster
and harder than I probably should be.
How did you do?
How many times did you
answer "Yes"?
You're doing okay, but there's room for improvement
4-6 Danger Zone-you're
heading for a burnout.
7-10 You're business
is probably suffering significantly, we need to talk.
740-453-4547 for your free collaborative interview and interpretation
of your score.
Reality Check
What's going on with
you and your business? Take this quiz to find out.
- I am uncertain about
the sustainability of my revenue streams.
- I struggle with unpleasant
task avoidance.
- Given the effort I'm
putting in, my net income is nowhere near high enough.
- If I wasn't here,
the place would fall apart within a month.
- I can't seem to attract
- or keep - the right staff.
- I'm doing tasks that
I do not like or am not very good at.
- I am working more
than 10 hours a day.
- I am working far too
much in my business instead of on my business.
- Sometimes I wonder
if I'm both the arsonist and the fireman.
- We're not as focused
on our customers as we need to be.
- There's more chaos
in this company than the employees prefer.
- I want to spend more
time with my family or in other interests.
- I don't feel free
and that's where I want to be.
- I want to improve
the focus and direction of where the business is heading.
- I have ideas for significant
revenue streams that I just can't seem to make time for.
- Profitability isn't
where it could be.
- I want to delegate
more so I can have the time to discover new opportunities.
- The joy of owning
a business is being replaced by the stress of running a business.
- It would be valuable
to develop a 12 to18-month growth plan.
We need to find a way to better motivate the staff.
How did you do?
How many times did you
answer "Yes"?
You're doing okay, but there's room for improvement
7-12 Danger Zone-you're
business is heading for serious trouble.
13-20 You're business
is probably suffering significantly, we need to talk.
740-453-4547 for your free collaborative interview and interpretation
of your score.