Discovery is the exciting first step,
which includes clarifying where you are now, and where you
want to go or become. As an objective, seasoned professional
with your best interest at heart, your executive coach works
with you to discover and assess what you have working in
your favor and anything that may getting in the way of achieving
your goals. During discovery we identify any concerns that
will prevent you from reaching your goals.
Destination represents your vision of
where you want to arrive and what you want to become. This
is the “better place” that inspires you to action.
We help you refine and articulate your vision, do reality
checks and determine what it will take to get there. Our
coaching process is client-driven. Our goal is to help you
get to where you want to go while avoiding the pitfalls
that can hinder you. Our goal is to help you make your vision
a reality. We help you identify measurable skills and behaviors
that are important to you in reaching your destination.
Equipment for this important journey
includes the talents you bring with you, plus the additional
proven tools we provide that have helped other professionals
just like yourself. Run where you are already strong! The
powerful blend of your talents and the best practices of
others we will share with you make a winning combination.
We focus primarily on your natural strengths and talents.
Our focus on your strengths gives you powerful leverage
to achieve what is important to you. We also help you address
and resolve any areas or flats spots that may be getting
in your way of results you want. This is why our clients
enjoy great results with our coaching.
Path is the course you will take to reach
your destination. Most executives find this journey can
be bumpy and at times even precarious. This is where the
experience of your seasoned coach is invaluable! We work
to establish a high level of candor and trust. We have no
political agenda. There are times when you may struggle
with something that can derail you off the path completely.
These could be behaviors that will be barriers to reaching
your destination. When we discover such barriers that could
block you from reaching your destination, we go to work
in that area. If you veer off your path, your coach is there
to help you re-focus and get going again.
Benefits of Southam Consulting
Executive Coaching
Strength-based: We have seen significant
value in working where you are already capable and strong
and helping you take that strength to a higher level. Our
clients are energized by working on what they already do
well. We work together to create systems and processes to
address the other areas that need attention rather than
spending precious time and other resources on trying to
master skills that may not be an existing talent. Where
there are serious blind spots getting in the way of results,
we need to surface and resolve them; however, our primary
focus will be to use your strengths to achieve better results.
Access: You have access to your coach
not only at your scheduled calls or meetings, but in-between
those sessions as needed. This “on call” access
to your personal coach (without the meter running) has helped
numerous clients deal with tough issues real time.
Focus: Your coach helps you stay focused
on what is really important to you. We help remove distractions
and barriers to your plan.
Accountability: Follow-up on assignments
during regular coaching calls accelerates progress and propels
you toward your destination. We hold you accountable when
others in your organization may be reluctant to do so.
Rifle versus Shotgun: We work only on
the highest leverage issues that are important to you and
your success. We introduce the right tools at the right
time. There is no need to burden you with overload. We have
coached many executives and are sensitive to busy schedules.
Comfort Zone: Just like a personal trainer
working with a world class athlete, we will nudge you out
of your comfort. We not only comfort the afflicted, but
afflict the comfortable to help you improve your game.